5 Rules Of What Not To Do In Chat Rooms

Chat rooms are an exciting way to connect with other individuals who share a common interest with you, even if that interest is simply the desire to meet new people and have a conversation, Chat rooms are a new type of social environment that has emerged in the digital space. Assuming your goal in entering … Read more

How to Keep a Conversation Going?

The modern world faces a crisis of human disconnection: people love to point fingers at technology, blaming our digital devices and extensions as the CAUSE of our lack of fulfillment in our social interactions… but really, what it comes down to is CONVERSATION. Yep. That’s right. Conversation. And yet, despite the fact we’ve been having … Read more

The Art Of Flirting

Flirting is something many people struggle with and are convinced they are unable to do. The thing is, it’s not rocket science. If you follow some simple procedures you will shock yourself in how much success you can yield without implementing significant effort. Flirting is an art and an important social tool by which you … Read more

How To Slide Into A DM And Totally Rock It

Nowadays, there is no need to using cheesy pickup lines to talk to someone, instead, the most appropriate method that is considered is to slide into someone’s DMs. DMs or Direct Messages are a way to take conservation to a private level and start your conversation there. Sliding into DMs can be incredibly daunting. I … Read more

How to Start A Conversation with a Stranger Online?

For many people, talking to strangers on the internet can be a daunting and difficult task. You don’t know what to say, how to start the conversation, how to keep the conversation going, and how to make the conversation interesting, and will the other person even care?  There are countless narratives we play in our … Read more

The Best Cheesy and Funny Tinder Pickup Lines

These days Tinder is the go-to app for dating and finding someone new but sometimes just swiping right doesn’t mean everything, all you need is a good chat and a laugh that seals the deal and boom you got a date. To some people pickup lines can come so easy yet can’t get a proper … Read more

40 Best Pick Up Lines That Are Funny and Cheesy

Using ordinary pickup lines will get you rejected because the other person will that this person is boring. Get too corny then it will show the other person that you have a playful personality and you will be most likely rejected. To stand out and get the conversation started easily, you will need to use … Read more