How To Slide Into A DM And Totally Rock It

Nowadays, there is no need to using cheesy pickup lines to talk to someone, instead, the most appropriate method that is considered is to slide into someone’s DMs. DMs or Direct Messages are a way to take conservation to a private level and start your conversation there.

Sliding into DMs can be incredibly daunting. I mean, think about it: you are putting yourself out there to be totally vulnerable to a complete stranger. What will they think about me? How do I not sound stupid? What if they reject me? 

These are common fears and thoughts that surround the act of DM sliding. Everyone wants to put a good impression on the other person and make them believe that they are not some kind of weirdo, but that is a hard thing to do, especially for starters.

You gotta approach the other person with a proper technique, mindset and avoid doing anything that will make you look like a weirdo or creep. 

Things to Avoid when you are trying to slide into DMs

Here are somethings that you should avoid when you are trying to slide into someone’s DMs:

Emojis Overload

Don’t overload their inbox with emojis. When you are overloading your messages with emojis then you look like a desperate person who is in hope for some attention and probably, won’t be getting any because you’re just stuffing emojis and nothing else.

Showing Off

Everyone likes to show off, well, in some manner but DMing someone and bragging about your money and luxuries isn’t gonna help your case at all. You’re just calling out the other person to like with your money and your stuff and not yourself and showing off your money by DMing someone sounds totally weird. This could help your case if you are looking for a gold-digger but for other people, this will just make everything worse for you.

Act or sound like a creeper

When you DM someone then makes sure that your text doesn’t sound like you are a creeper. Some people when they text someone, they sound like a creeper or stalker. They directly just stuff the other person inbox with information related to themselves and to think about it, no one likes it. Consider yourself, if someone messaged and told you a few of the things about yourself, would you like it? Probably not!

So, even though you are a stalker and have been stalking them for a while, don’t compose such a message that makes you sound like a creep.

Constantly DMing

Whenever you are trying to slide into someone DMs then you should first follow them for a while and like their recent posts, don’t like their older posts, it’s very creepy. That person will upload a new post or post something in their stories, you should start from there, probably respond to the stories, like if a person posted a story related to a new movie then you can start the conversation by giving your opinion on that movie or telling that it was great.

Some people just constantly DM the other person even though that person is not responding at all.  If you DM someone and they don’t respond the first time then it is okay, you can try the second time but to text them again & again and constantly flood their DM is wrong.

If you’re getting no response then there could be different reasons for that:

  • The messages that you are sending are creepy and that makes the other person uninterested in you.
  • The person is receiving a huge volume of DMs and is unable to reply to all the messages.
  • The person is simply not interested in you and you should probably move on to someone else.

Things to Do when you are trying to slide into DMs

Here are somethings that you should do when you are trying to slide into someone’s DMs:

Being Genuine and Yourself

Everyone suggests that always be genuine and yourself & don’t try to act like something that you are not unless you’re gross and creep then you shouldn’t be genuine.

Just be yourself and DM the other person with your natural tone. Ask them a question, like, “You look familiar to me, where did you graduate from?” This is a completely natural question and the other person will most likely respond to that since he/she will be curious that how does this person know me and do I know him/her too? Did we Study together? Is he/she an old friend? This will make the other person respond to your DM. So, always start your DM with something genuine and realistic, not some random chit chat.

Friendly tone

Everyone suggests that always be genuine and yourself & don’t try to act like something that you are not unless you’re gross and creep then you shouldn’t be genuine.

Just be yourself and DM the other person with your natural tone. Ask them a question, like, “You look familiar to me, where did you graduate from?” This is a completely natural question and the other person will most likely respond to that since he/she will be curious that how does this person know me and do I know him/her too? Did we Study together? Is he/she an old friend? This will make the other person respond to your DM. So, always start your DM with something genuine and realistic, not some random chit chat.

When you are trying to slide into someone’s DM then make sure that the text that you are sending has a friendly tone. Some people start off with compliments, others with just a simple Hi or Hello, and some people even start off with rude phrases. That isn’t what you wanna do!

You want to start a conversation so, just send a DM with something interesting like asking about something in their profile or relating yourself to something in their profile such as if the person is visiting France then you can also tell them about your experience of France (considering you visited France) or something like that but be friendly. Humor or Sarcasm may work in real life but over text, they can be hard to capture and may come across as mean to some people.

Taking Conversation Offline

Taking conversation offline is a good way to start your relationship and date someone. If someone responds to your DM then you should use it as a way to take things offline. For example, you both can start talking about a new restaurant in town and go there together or a new movie is being released this week and you both can watch it together.